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I am an advanced stitcher. I love to stitch large and detailed religious pictures, usually based on classical paintings and traditional Catholic art. I am having a hard time finding patterns I like ever since The Holy Needle went out of business years ago. I've tried using free online pattern-making programs to turn photos of public-domain religious pictures into patterns, but they always mess up the colors real bad. Skin tones are always lemon yellow, pale colors become vibrant, and medium colors go dark. It is frustrating to say the least. I would be more than happy to pay for quality pattern-making software, but I want to be sure it won't mess up the color palette before investing money in it. Also, how easy it is to edit the auto-generated pattern is an important consideration so I can fix speckles, replace colors that don't belong, etc. Does anyone have recommendations either for programs you like or ones to stay away from? -- Irene from Prosser, WA


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About Copyrights:

Copyright patterns may not be copied and given to someone else. It's against the law and it's dishonest. On the Internet, one copy can quickly turn into one million which basically takes away the need for people to buy the patterns, which puts the designers out of business. You can give away, trade, or sell the original leaflet though.

In the case of patterns, which are by subscription, all patterns are for the members personal use only and may not be given away or re-distibuted in any manner.