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I thought I used an erasable pen to grid out my design. Just discovered that it was a regular pen. I soaked the whole thing in warm water with dawn dish soap, scrubbed with a toothbrush, used shout in some areas but obviously it s still there. How would you fix this? My first thought is to trim around the design and reglue to a different Aida backdrop? -- Stephanie from Kingsville, TX
- I would try using Cascade dishwasher soap packet that includes the bleach bubble. Use very hot water to melt the packet & then add enough cold water so the temperature of the water is tepid prior to submerging your fabric. Let it sit overnight undisturbed. It may lift the remaining marks from your fabric. -- Anna from Kalispell, MT -- Jan 22
- I did a search online and it said to try rubbing alcohol or an alcohol- based substance like hand sanitizer, then blot at it until it comes out. Mild dish detergent like Dawn and/or a laundry pre-treatment was also suggested if the alcohol doesn't work. But I would be leary of bleach because it could fade the rest of the colors in your work too. And in some instances, too much bleach can damage your fabric so it may react almost as if it's dry rotted. -- Sarah Stitch26 from Oklahoma, USA -- Feb 07
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