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I just want to clear up some questions posted here about copyright: Copying a pattern to give to someone else is illegal. It takes money out of the pockets of the talented, hard working designers who are just trying to make a living. Out-of-print patterns that can no longer be purchased may be a gray area, but educational use is for use in a school classroom ONLY (not your craft group). Actually, educational use only allows copying small parts of a book, etc. Copying anything in it's entirety is still illegal! (otherwise schools would buy 1 textbook and just make copies). Please do the honest thing and support our cross-stitch designers by buying their patterns and honoring the law. Thanks! -- Marv Schier from


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About Copyrights:

Copyright patterns may not be copied and given to someone else. It's against the law and it's dishonest. On the Internet, one copy can quickly turn into one million which basically takes away the need for people to buy the patterns, which puts the designers out of business. You can give away, trade, or sell the original leaflet though.

In the case of patterns, which are by subscription, all patterns are for the members personal use only and may not be given away or re-distibuted in any manner.