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  • Kari Tranter from Salt Lake City -- Jan 16, 2023
    • I m looking for a grandma who likes to Crosstitch some simple dish towels. The reason I m looking for an older person is because my my grandma made them for me, and recently my mom past away. Now my girls and getting married and I thought it might be special to have someone grandma make them for my girls. A little love for someone grandma. Even if you were never a grandma you would fill their shoes. Thank you!!
  • Jean from Sonoma -- Nov 09, 2022
    • I have a stack of cross stitch patterns and pattern books that is about 2 feet high. I want to find a place to donate them. I am looking for some place that will give them away to people who could not afford to buy patterns or have lost what they had, in a fire as an example. I am having a very hard time finding anything like that. If I am going to get rid of them, I want them to be given to people who will enjoy them. Is there any place or organization that gives craft or cross stitch supplies to people?
  • Shelby O from Texas -- Oct 27, 2022
    • I am looking for someone to complete a started cross stitch. The pattern I'm requesting to be completed is the 1999 Midnight Ride pattern from the Gold Collection of dimensions-crafts. It has been started (approx 1/3 completed) but the person who had started it passed before completion and we found it (my Nana) years later. I am happy to provide photos if you need. I have the pattern and materials. Here is an ebay listing so you can see the pattern (I do already have it, this is just for you to see the pattern). This is a sentimental piece for us. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • Kat T from Austin, Texas -- Oct 15, 2022
  • Izabelle from South Africa, Gauteng -- Sep 04, 2022
    • Hello there, if you have a cross stitch that needs finishing or simply doing i would be more than happy to help you. please message me at the given address.
  • Marlene Abbate from Green Cove Springs, Florida -- Aug 29, 2022
    • I have a stamped cross stitch baby quilt kit that I bought to make for my granddaughter. Soon after, my mother-in-law moved in and I have been unable to get this done. Would anyone be interested in completing this project for me? Please let me know how much you would charge. Thank you so much! My email address is
  • Martha M. from NY state -- Aug 11, 2022
    • Does anyone have a source of Zweigart 28 count Putty Cashel or some they'd like to sell?
  • freda waalkens from rhinelander wi -- Jul 22, 2022
    • the problem i had has been taken care of and all is well and the pattern is really beautiful thank you so much
  • Laura Hebert from Leland ms 38756 -- Jul 09, 2022
  • Bill from WA -- Jun 04, 2022
    • Trying hard to find a kit from Design Connections Inc. called Santa Charmers Hanging the Stockings kit # 92-071. Company is out of business and I can't find this kit or pattern anywhere. Thanks
  • Angie from Oregon -- May 15, 2022
    • Looking for a retired chart by Evening Star titled Love you Also looking for San-Man Originals Club charts. New or used in good shape charts will work for me.. Thanks
  • Maresha from New Hampshire -- May 10, 2022
    • I am the owner of Three Sprouts Cross Stitching and I am currently planning our first annual retreat! I am looking for vendors, designers and people to teach some classes! If anyone is interested please let me know!
  • Kathy from Georgia -- Apr 06, 2022
    • Trying to help someone locate an out of print fishing pattern. Per her description - I am looking for a pattern that my son saw when he was a kid (like about 15 years or so ago). I didn t buy it then but he still talks about that pattern but I don t even who the pattern was by. It was fishing boat with a fisherman with the above water and the below water scene. Does anyone even have a clue as what I m looking for? In one of her responses, she also said that fish could be seen in the water below. Does this sound remotely familiar to anyone? Thanks!
  • virginiaa miller from SAN FRANCISCO -- Apr 05, 2022
    • can't find the red/orange pattern of a heart with arrow threw it looked 30 pages of Esty foxy but can't find it realy need help i want it so bad.
  • Jo from WA -- Mar 31, 2022
    • Looking for older Yarn Tree Santa kits on perforated paper. I'm willing to purchase at reasonable price. Seeking the following: Olde Time Believe Santa, Rocker Santa, Triker Santa, Chicken Santa, Deck the Halls Santa, Heart Santa, Toy Train Santa and Santa of the Woods. Thanks in advance.
  • Jane S from Atlanta, GA -- Mar 24, 2022
    • I'm trying again - looking for The Bride's Bouquet by Lili Soliel. It is no longer in print. Was originally in World of Cross Stitch Magazine Issue 222, October 2014. If any one has a copy they could share with me I would greatly appreciate it!
  • gretchen ashworth from Monroeville nj -- Mar 04, 2022
  • Karen from Winter Springs, Florida -- Feb 14, 2022
    • I have a pattern that needs a circle border around it. Where can I get that and how do I size it to what I have? Please help!
  • Vi from canada -- Feb 13, 2022
    • Here is the link to my most recent stitch along. All are welcome to join. %7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22create_dialog%22%7D%2C%7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22permalink%22%7D%2C%7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22edit_dialog%22%7D %2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
  • Margaret Vietti from St. Augustine -- Feb 08, 2022
    • I am searching for the Alphabet Piddlings patterns by Little By Little Design Co. Specifically the letters U through Z. I have the other letters, but have actually never seen these upper letters. Wondering if anyone actually has ever seen them before! Do they really exist? Any information is greatly appreciated or if anyone can point me to where I may purchase them. Thanks so much!!!
  • Jac from Canada -- Jan 31, 2022
    • Hi - I ordered 28 count jobelan on line because I thought that was what I had used before. What I received is more like lugana - fine, even threads. The fabric I wanted has thicker threads and the threads are a little uneven but it is still soft and drapes nicely. Any suggestions as to what fabric I am actually wanting would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  • Vicki evans from Hixson, TN -- Jan 25, 2022
    • Does anyone have Heart on Hand alphabet B they would like to sell or at least let me borrow for a few days to stitch. I have every letter but B. Thought Zo had it but can t find it and it is the only one not gone for my granddaughters quilt! Please help!!!
  • Mary from Surrey,B.C. -- Jan 20, 2022
    • Hi....I am searching for "Home Sweet Home Sampler" by design Rhona Norrie with little flowers and butterflies pattern.....I am not sure what kind of magazine and year for this pattern....if you are not sure what it looks me and I will send you the picture.....Thank you!!
  • Beth from Long Island NY -- Jan 11, 2022
    • Hi! I am new to the cross stitch world! It s quite addicting! One of the things I have been doing is looking at various flosstube videos on YouTube. Do you have any recommendations? I would appreciate any help this newbie can get! Also does anybody host a zoom sit and stitch?? I think that would be fantastic to join in or maybe I ll start one up! Advice? Feel free to check out my amazingly talented friend. She has become my cross stitch mentor. Though she is relatively new to flosstube she is not new to the crafty world. Here is her link! Thank you!! Glad I found this place!! Beth
  • Chris from MD -- Dec 29, 2021
    • I am just returning to counted cross stitch after MANY years. My DMC color chart is proving difficult to Use when selecting treads for newer projects..It seems current dmc charts Are different from mine from the 1980 s.. any advice on how I might reorganize and inventory and document the threads I have to the new color charts?
  • Sharon Fuqua Noblit from longview, TX -- Dec 12, 2021
  • Jacquelyn Teasdale from Crestview, Florida, UDA -- Dec 11, 2021
  • Ashely from Los Angeles -- Dec 06, 2021
    • Unfinished cross stitch projects? I can help!! I have been cross-stitching for over 37 years and I am here to help you get those unfinished cross-stitch projects finally completed! Email me if you are interested: Pricing will depend on how large the project is and how much of it is already completed. I just finished helping a new customer finish a Christmas stocking and I love doing it.
  • Tammy from Tulare, California -- Oct 30, 2021
    • My uncle wrote a poem and i would like to have it cross stitched for my mother for Christmas. My hands after surgery are still too bad to do it myself and i get so frustrated but would really love to have this for her. The title of the poem is 5 words (To America For My Brother) and i would like that in gold and the rest of the poem in navy blue on either 14 or 12 count Aida (your choice). The poem itself is 9 paragrams consisting of 4 lines each no more than 10 word per line ending with 3 lines "God has Blessed America my uncles name and his retire air force rank. Once finished my plan is to take it to Michael's and have it matted with his name patch my mom saved from one his old uniforms. My email is is anyone is interested. Thank you so much! Tammy
  • Catherine Fermo from Bristow, VA -- Oct 28, 2021
    • I am looking for someone, locally, to finish a project my late mother was working on for my brother. It's the Harley Davidson/Route 66 piece. Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer before she could finish it. I promised her I would find someone to finish it so I figured this would be a good place to start. She had about 50% of it completed. Please email me at if you can help me with this. Thank you!
  • Ilbret Adeh from Los Angeles CA, -- Oct 19, 2021
    • I can help!! I have been cross-stitching for over 37 years and I am here to help you get those unfinished cross-stitch projects finally completed! Email me if you are interested: Pricing will depend on how large the project is and how much of it is already completed. I am currently helping a new customer finish a Christmas stocking and I love doing it.
  • Mary Carroll from North Carolina -- Sep 30, 2021
    • Trying to find a copy of Sam Sarah Winds of Grace series. I m looking for pattern entitled Four Bells (it s bottom portion of boarder). Despite designer s website still being operational, she has gone out of business and I ve tried purchasing the remaining pieces from other distributors. This is the pattern section I m still missing. Really hope someone can help. Thx
  • Karen J. Ouzts from Woodbridge, Virginia, US -- Sep 23, 2021
    • Hi there, I'm working on a stocking for my grandson. It's a Dimensions pattern, model 08820, entitled "Trimming the Tree." I've lost the color chart and the clock is ticking. I've tried everything I can think of to get just the chart. I don't want to buy another one if at all possible. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the item for reference.
  • Birgit from Torrington CT -- Sep 11, 2021
    • Looking for stitchers that can stitch on linen and Aida. Various project sizes. I would send supplies. If you are available would you please email me ( your services & fees? Do you charge by size or stitch etc? Thank you so very much!!! *hugs* Birgit
  • Christine Ulrichsen from Spokane, WA -- Aug 31, 2021
    • Hi, I'm looking for three Anchor counted cross stitch kits: PCE765 Rainbow Flotilla PCE766 Rainbow Beach Huts PCE767 Rainbow Deckchairs I used to own them and I turned the house upside down looking for them, until I discovered that they went out in the donation bag by mistake!! Thank you for helping me replace them.
  • Susan Zdeblick from Southington, CT 06489 -- Aug 26, 2021
    • Would anyone have a copy of Marie Barber s patterns for cross stitch Ukrainian Eggs. Her book is out of print but I d love to stitch an egg for my son s wedding next year. Thank you! 😊
  • Sanchita from Melbourne Australia -- Jul 15, 2021
    • Is it possible to convert cross stitch pattern into a canvas tapestry? Also how to calculate the quantity of the wool required when converting from the thread ? Hope there is a formula that can help, as I am finding it difficult anyone who can assist ! Also if the original pattern is in 14 count Aida, what count canvas would work?
  • Karen Schuts from St. Thomas -- Jul 09, 2021
    • Hello, I am wondering if anyone has in their stash a very old (probably early 90's) anchor kit or pattern of a bear cross stitching? I think it is called Thread Bear. I have tried Anchor, with no luck. I am really only interested in the pattern. Thanks in advance.
  • Mary Irwin from Wagner -- Jun 26, 2021
    • I am looking for the pattern of the bull rider from Jeanette Crews Portrait of A Rodeo #140. I did purchase the other 5 patterns in this leaflet from Patterns On Line but they did not have the bull rider. I hope some one can help and I Thank You in advance.
  • Cynthia Pellegrino from Jacksonville -- Jun 20, 2021
    • I would love to find anyone that has used the Sullivan's ball point cross stitch needles , I am working on a very difficult project ..over 100 colors on 25 count , they are very expensive and how do you like them ? Also I always start and finish by going under previous stitching does the ball work for that ? Its hard to teach old dogs new tricks Thank you !
  • Kim Simons from Columbia, SC -- Jun 16, 2021
  • LaVerne Walker from Baltimore -- Jun 14, 2021
  • LaVerne Walker from Baltimore -- May 28, 2021
  • Jennifer from London England -- May 24, 2021
    • I am new to cross stitching. I Would like to ask if it is necessary to soak the floss before starting my project. I did not soak my first project but my second one that I am about to start states to soak the dark colors before starting. Is DMC a better quality floss that does not need soaking?
  • Michelle Munger from Pioneer, Ohio -- May 15, 2021
    • Cross Stitcher for hire. If anyone is looking for a cross stitcher, look no further. I would be glad to finish your cross stitch project for you. Just email me with details of project and if there is a deadline. I will give you a quote. From there you would mail it to me with half or full payment plus postage. When I'm finished I will notify you and mail it back. First come first served. Looking forward to stitching for you.
  • LaVerne Walker from Baltimore -- May 15, 2021
    • Looking for a cross stitch pattern of "Hilton Head Sign" using letters and characters. Thanks
  • Debra Burruss from Sacramento -- Apr 30, 2021
    • I just purchased the Gnomes in the Garden. My late father loved his garden and filled it with gnomes. I'd love to add angel wings to the male gnome. Could I not stitch the lady, move the guy to the middle of the wheelbarrow and add wings? Would the designer be okay with that? Thanks
  • Chris from Richmond, VA -- Apr 07, 2021
    • I once cross stitched a dollhouse or house with divided rooms in a kit with a green hexagon frame included. I lost the item and I would like to stitch it again. I cannot remember the kit name, either. Can anybody help me find this design or kit?
  • Pam from Pleasant Hope Missouri -- Apr 05, 2021
    • I have seen several posts lately from folks that want someone to do a cross stitch piece for them. I have several years of experience for different designers so please feel free to reach out if you have items you need completed. I would be glad to give you a quote!
  • Amy Darukhanavala from Farmington, CT -- Apr 03, 2021
    • Hello, I need help doing a cross-stitch for my sister's wedding in September 2021. I started a small part of it but will clearly not have enough time to finish it. Will be willing to pay nicely for some help completing this project. Anyone willing to help? Amy
  • Tracey R, from Virginia -- Mar 30, 2021
  • Debbie S. from Winston Salem, NC USA -- Mar 13, 2021
    • I am looking for a pattern of a white cat and dark grey kitten, please. The verse reads "the little joys of motherhood are without number". I don't know who the designer is, nor whether it is in a magazine, book or leaflet. Thank you for your help.
  • Sharon Noblit from Longview, TX -- Mar 08, 2021
  • Bridget from Louisville, KY -- Mar 02, 2021
    • I'm looking for software or an app that you can search a PDF pattern for symbols. I use an iPad to read my patterns, but haven't found an app that will search for the symbols of the pattern. Please let me know if you are using anything successfully.
  • Marlys from ND -- Mar 02, 2021
    • I'm looking for the April issue of Cross-Country Stitching with the Alphabet Afghan patters for letters E & F. I have all others so need this to complete my project. Thanks
  • Kyla from Chartley, MA USA -- Feb 01, 2021
    • Hi all I am ISO the Disney Dreams Collection- Thomas Kinkade Tangled large and small kits/patterns. Also ISO the Dimensions Gold Hummingbird wreath Kit/pattern. If anyone has these and are willing to sell, and or has seen these recently I would be forever grateful. Namaste, Kyla
  • Tess from Belgrade, ME -- Jan 23, 2021
    • I'm somewhat of a newbie and need help re-sizing the pattern American Gold Finch which I purchased on this site. a A couple questions: 1) How do you calculate a pattern you have which is 9"x10" on 14 count and you want the finished size to be about 7"x8"? 2) how do you figure if a pattern is too intricate to be downsized, maybe because you lose the details? It is a Gold Finch bird with numerous gradient colors in the wings and body. Sorry, if I am not clear in my questions, not sure how to phrase what I don't know. Thanks for any advice. Tess
  • Yvonne from Pearland -- Jan 12, 2021
    • I have two quilts that need backing and filling that need to be completed and I have squares crocheted of two different patterns that need to be finished. Looking for someone to finish all projects. These are from my recent passing mother on thanksgiving Thank you in advance. Blessings Yvonne
  • Carol Bunker from Dallas, Texas -- Dec 30, 2020
  • Esther from USA -- Dec 30, 2020
    • Hi ladies I want to know if any of you has a pattern for cross stitch of door draft stopper pattern which it is in the Gold magazine ? I can t located where to buy it or to be given to me for free. Can somebody tell me where I can get that pattern please? Many thanks for a reply
  • Delaney from Spokane WA -- Dec 29, 2020
    • I am a college student looking for someone to do a cross stitch project as a gift for my mom. I can purchase the pattern online. It would be about 10x20 and be words surrounded by a vine type border. If interested, I can send you a photo and the pattern for a price quote. Thank you.
  • Ruth from Ronan, Montana -- Dec 23, 2020
    • Searching for an old pattern. Bless this day with a pot of African violets. Probably from the 1980's. Finished size about 2 1/2 in. x 3 1/2 in. I think it was in a magazine. Hope someone remembers.
  • Ashley from Statesboro, ga -- Dec 16, 2020
    • Help finding someone that can cross stitch Christmas stockings and birth records for my children like my grandma made for me. For birth records I want either mine copied and recreated with my children s info or an antique baby carriage along with their info (finished size about 10x12?) And for the stockings I would need to pick out a pattern from you. Something not too busy that can be personalized and with general Christmas things like Santa or a tree. No cartoon characters please.
  • Danette McNulty from Downers Grove -- Dec 13, 2020
    • I am looking for a pattern and or kit of Dimensions 8462 Toy Tree Skirt, can anyone help?
  • Ken Walker from Denton, TX -- Dec 11, 2020
    • I am looking for someone who is familiar with Dee s Reverse-Eeze method of reversible cross stitch, and is willing to share that method with me. I purchased Dee s booklet in 1994 and used it for the first three rows of Graphworks International Afghan Safari II . Now I want to finish that afghan for a future great grandchild (I turn 80 in Jan), but have lost Dee s booklet. I last worked on the afghan 14 years ago and can t remember/ can t reconstruct how I did the stitches. I have searched the internet for Dee s booklet with no success.
  • Brenda from Schohariej -- Dec 07, 2020
    • Hi .. I stopped doing cross stitch years ago and just recently got back into it. I remember having a Dmc Floss Carousel that I would hang my floss bobbins on by the slots that the bobbin had and it would spin around just like a carousel .. Think I can locate one of them online No Way Can I .. Not even on eBay. so long ago I can t remember where I bought it. Does anyone know what I m talking about and where can I even buy one online .. I can t find it.
  • Sharon Noblit from Longview, Texas -- Nov 24, 2020
  • Lucie from Rochester, NY, USA -- Nov 23, 2020
    • My husband passed January 31, 2020 and I am getting back to doing some cross stitching. I finished most of Chorus Line by Valerie Pfeiffer except for a few symbols I am not sure of. I have started the outline sheet, no problems there. Thanks for looking. Lucie
  • Melanie from oklahoma city -- Nov 22, 2020
    • I started a Christmas afghan a VERY long time ago. I have the pattern and floss, but no pattern code for the design. I have a copy of the design taped together but no information where it came from. Any suggestions? Is there a uniform code for colors? It is the twelve days of Christmas stacked on top each other to form a Christmas tree, I think it must have come from a magazine.
  • Caron from Newcastle, Australia -- Nov 13, 2020
  • Michael Rogala from Medina -- Nov 13, 2020
    • Currently working on Italian Lemons produced by Kooler Designs for Hobby Lobby. What company produces Artiste floss, I need to purchase additional floss to complete the project, and cannot find a company or producer for this particular floss.
  • Sandie from Madison, NC -- Nov 09, 2020
  • Drema Canfield from Byron, Mich -- Nov 02, 2020
    • Does anyone have the color symbils for Bedfordshire kit 1998 from classic Embroidery kit number SA142
  • Yvonne Andrews from New Zealand -- Oct 27, 2020
    • Is there someone in New Zealand that can convert a photo into cross stitch please? Thank you Yvonne
  • Staci L Brailsford from Roy -- Oct 26, 2020
  • Penny ,UK from United Kingdom -- Oct 25, 2020
    • About 2 years ago , I bought a half finished kit on a frame from a charity shop . It seems to be of a river scene with a large tree with yellow leaves on one side and a spruce/ pine tree on the other side . It seems to be 4 pages long . Sadly it doesn't have a chart, so I can't finish it . It remind me of a Mary Hickmott or John Clayton picture , but I have looked online and I am unable to match it to any of their charts . I would love to finish the picture!
  • Christine from Delaware -- Oct 19, 2020
    • Im looking for an old sampler pattern. The pattern and design are about 20-25 years old. It looks traditional and has part of the Robert Frost poem "Stopping by woods on a snowy evening" The top part is the alphabet and the middle has the quote "For i have promises to keep and miles to go before i sleep". I have the top of the pattern but have lost the bottom and have already started the piece. Any ideas about who the designer is or pattern title would be greatly appreciated. This piece was to be for my mother as it was her favorite poem. I had started it but she passed away rather suddenly and i was unable o finish it. I was hoping it would help with healing if I could finally finish it as I have hung on to it for all of these years. Thanks for any help :)
  • Staci from Roy, Utah -- Oct 19, 2020
    • I have an idea for a pattern I would like to make and have tried doing it myself with online pattern makers and it just does not come out right. I just want a PDF pattern if someone is willing to make it I will pay for pattern. Tia
  • Brenda Kristiansen from Jarrow england -- Oct 08, 2020
    • I am looking for Fir tree welcome cross stitch pattern, Lili Soleil.also in french bien venue. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Kate Wasserlein from North Augusta -- Sep 30, 2020
    • I am looking for patterns by designer Barbara Noel entitled Prince George Street, East Market Street, North Main Street, and Olde Town Rowhouses.
  • Amber from Sarasota -- Sep 21, 2020
    • Hello, i would like to make a Christmas stocking. I know what type of image i'm looking to have created, but i don't have a program to do it. Can anyone help me with the design formatting? i'd like to see an old military Jeep carrying a christmas tree in the back. on a bed of snow.
  • Chelsea from Melbourne, Australia -- Sep 04, 2020
    • Hi there. Wondering if anyone clever is able to take an image/design I have in mind and make it a cross stitch pattern for me? I have tried an online pattern generator but can't make it work. I will pay for the service. Would be looking to get a PDF pattern that I can download and print out. Thanks!
  • Paula Dutko from Maine USA -- Aug 28, 2020
    • I have lost the pattern and color chart to a small autumn wreath that I last worked on in 2001. The worked part of the pattern measures 6 inches square on 18 count Aida cloth. The colors are soft greens , deep burgundy, and burnt oranges, and there appear to be clusters of blueberries as part of the design. I could provide a photo of the part I have completed if that would be helpful. Sorry this is so vague! Just hoping something about this description might lead to info on the pattern. Thank you, Paula.
  • Gina from New Jersey, USA -- Aug 25, 2020
    • Does anyone have a copy of Nora Corbett's Lady of the Flag that they would like to get rid of? I know it was a limited edition so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone stitched it, still has a copy, but is ready to part with it. Thanks either way!
  • Virginia Small from Knoxville, TN, USA -- Aug 21, 2020
    • I am looking for a booklet of state wildflower cross stitch patterns. It contained patterns for each of the the fifty states. I don t know the name, artist or publisher. I think it was published in the 1980 s or 1990 s. I would love to find a copy of it.
  • Nan from Nashville TN U.S. -- Aug 20, 2020
    • Does anyone have the directions for the Dimentions pillowcase Butterflies and ferns 72967? I bought them on ebay and instructions were missing. TY
  • Phyllis from England -- Aug 20, 2020
    • I am looking for a chart for dmc kit k1964 Panda Collage to complete a project started by my late mother. I have contacted DMC and their Archive does not have this pattern.
  • Pamela Heckman from Bradenton -- Aug 19, 2020
    • In search of a Blackbird Design called Summer Jubilee. It was first printed in 2003 Just Cross Stitch magazine. Thank you.
  • Maggie from Anchorage, AK -- Aug 17, 2020
    • I had to take out and start over on a project (miscounted majorly on first attempt). It's on aida cloth and in the process of taking out stitches, I accidentally cut two strands on the weave in the aida cloth. The square is still intact, but is there anyway to ensure it does not unravel, or do I have any choices besides completely starting over? The aida cloth is a specific color and I'm having trouble finding something comparable.
  • jane broadbent from carnforth -- Aug 17, 2020
    • hi im looking for a dmc pattern mini cross stitch kit, called make a wish, ride a ballooon. has anyone any dieas where i could get it
  • Dianna Cantrelle from Pflugerville, TX -- Aug 15, 2020
    • I'm searching for a couple of older (at least 30 years old) pattern booklets with cross stitch patterns of a child doing different hobbies such as playing baseball, riding a bike, etc. There was a separate booklet for boys and girls. Any ideas of places to search besides etsy and amazon?
  • Jill Fritz from Rockville, Maryland, USA -- Aug 13, 2020
    • Hello - I am trying to locate Hester's Needle charts so please let me know if you have any or know of a shop offering them. What a wonderful designer! Thank you very much!
  • Jill Fritz from Rockville, Maryland -- Aug 13, 2020
    • I am looking for Hester's Needle patterns (Janie Appelbaum). I have several, with No. 22 Heaven's Gate as the "last" one - although I am unsure if there are more. She's so talented and I would love to stitch all of them! Please email me and thanks very much.
  • Terry Patrick from Tonawanda, New York -- Aug 08, 2020
  • Louise Burton from San Antonio Texas -- Aug 06, 2020
    • I am looking for Aunt Demmys baby and strawflower Patterns by j OBryan. They are from the 70s I think. Thanks
  • hELEN aLTMAN from PIKEVILLE -- Aug 01, 2020
  • Linda H from Chattanooga, TN -- Jul 31, 2020
  • Glenda from UK -- Jul 31, 2020
    • I'm looking for a Margaret Sherry chart of a mouse pushing a pram or a chart of a mouse carrying a baby, for a card. Does anyone have such a thing that they have finished with that I could borrow or buy please?
  • Denise from Colorado -- Jul 30, 2020
    • I am looking for the Dimensions gold Glad Tidings (8564) cross stitch stocking and the Dimensions Gold Santa s Wildlife (8566)stocking kits or partial kits (even just the charts and thread color list) for a reasonable price. I know it s a long shot, as these have been discontinued for some time, but I simply can t afford the prices people are asking when these show up on eBay. If anyone out there can help me out, I d sure appreciate it!
  • Fiona Kennon from Edinburgh -- Jul 25, 2020
    • Hello! I am a keen stitcher but hopeless with designing. I wonder if there is anyone who can design a pattern for me to stitch from a badge. My brother has been awarded this honour and I want to capture it but I cannot get anything to look right! Thank you. Of course I am happy to pay - within reason
  • Aizel from Indiana -- Jul 24, 2020
    • I am trying to create a name pattern using the generator that would be 3in (height) x 10in (width) on a fabric that is 11 boxes per inch using Font #4. Every time, I input those parameters, the pattern output still gives me 19 boxes (height) to work with. And counting 19 boxes on the fabric DOES NOT give me the 3 inches height that I want. So I am actually not sure if my parameters are correct? I am a newbie, and I am not sure if my calculations are right? I just want my overall output to be 3 inches x 10 inches on the fabric.
  • Pat Blake from Cutler, OH -- Jul 16, 2020
    • I am looking for a pattern with a poem that begins On starry nights I used to sit and wait. There are 4 hearts at the top, the poem, and then a small Santa at the bottom
  • Holly from SALEM, Va -- Jul 15, 2020
    • I have always read that the dominant color in a half cross stitch should be the darkest color but unsure in the Jeanette Crews Portrait of the Civil War Confederate Battle Flag. Anyone here know if it's the tan color over the blue or red color.
  • Marv Schier from -- Jul 11, 2020
    • I just want to clear up some questions posted here about copyright: Copying a pattern to give to someone else is illegal. It takes money out of the pockets of the talented, hard working designers who are just trying to make a living. Out-of-print patterns that can no longer be purchased may be a gray area, but educational use is for use in a school classroom ONLY (not your craft group). Actually, educational use only allows copying small parts of a book, etc. Copying anything in it's entirety is still illegal! (otherwise schools would buy 1 textbook and just make copies). Please do the honest thing and support our cross-stitch designers by buying their patterns and honoring the law. Thanks!
  • Carmen from Florida -- Jul 10, 2020
    • Hi everyone I m getting ready to start the pattern Archway and Mediterranean Veranda Does anyone have leftover floss from any of these 2 projects that they may want to get rid of? Thank you in advance
  • Mary Sue Backus from Norman, Oklahoma -- Jul 04, 2020
    • Has anyone seen an Oklahoma shaped Santa face ornament? I saw it somewhere online and now cannot for the life of me remember where! It's just his face and his hat forms the panhandle of Oklahoma. Looked like pattern is mostly used to make ornaments. Thanks!
  • Carole Stroud from Raleigh, NC -- Jul 03, 2020
  • Bettina Rosser from New York -- Jun 26, 2020
    • Is there a way to search a database using an image of a cross stitch pattern I made about 25 years ago. I can upload a photo of the image. It is 12 boxes, 3 over 4, each one representing a month of the year with an image. Not the name of the month. So for October there is a pumpkin for instance.
  • Andre Albrecht from Leverkusen, Germany -- Jun 22, 2020
    • I love to stitch your Word-patterns. Did one, with the sewing-machine for my wife and let's get styled for one of my daughters. My second daughter works as a podiatrist, do you have a pattern for that? Maybe a footprint with the typical words? Would be a great gift. Greetings from Germany, Andr Albrecht
  • Kaylin from TX -- Jun 07, 2020
    • Hello! I am looking to see if anyone else owns the Art of Disney 35th Anniversary Cross Stich kit, and would be willing to share a photo of a portion of the pattern with me. I have had this kit for years, and have unfortunately lost a section of the pattern. Super obscure request, but please let me know!
  • Margo Hauser from Victoria, BC -- May 18, 2020
  • Denise Miersma from Sammamish, WA -- May 16, 2020
    • I am looking for a Charles Ross Victorian Christmas stocking pattern "Visions" or the Mary stocking. Used is okay!
  • Denise from Colorado -- May 12, 2020
    • I found an opened Dimensions Glad Tidings stocking at a yard sale. Everything is in the kit except the directions. I have the chart and thread etc. If anyone has the directions they could share with me, I d really appreciate it! Thank you
  • Jamie from Denver, CO -- May 08, 2020
    • I have a Dimensions 16" stocking kit I bought, and quite honestly, it's too much for me to handle. I'm curious if anyone would be willing to complete the cross-stitching for me. I have everything that came with the kit (threads, key, chart, etc). I have started on a small section, so ideally I can mail everything and you could finish it for me. What is your rate for such a project? Its Dimensions #8712 Gold Collection "Sleigh Ride at Dusk" (
  • Lynn Cooper from Baton Rouge, LA -- May 07, 2020
    • I am looking for the pattern only of Lizzie Kate's ABC Lessons. I am almost finished the project (I know it is an old one!) and the print on the chart has gotten so light, I can't read it. I am willing to buy this or borrow it. Thanks.
  • Christine Sinks from St Louis, MO -- May 05, 2020
    • I lost the instructions for my over half-completed counted cross-stitch pattern of Laughter is an instant vacation kit (with a little girl in pink bathing suit/wearing flippers). Any one have these instructions or know where I can find/download them instead of buying another complete kit? Thanks!
  • Diane Jennings from Liberty Lake -- May 03, 2020
    • Does anyone feel my pain, lost page of chart!!! Tinkerbell Spring Blossoms I brought this exclusive kit directly at Disneyworld over 10 plus years ago, I'm down to bottom left and and a little on page 1 top left. Unfortunately I can not find first page. Is it possible to get that page? Let me know, thanks. I will provide photos if needed... thanks again.
  • Kori S from BERWYN -- Apr 24, 2020
    • I lost the pattern for a Buttica counted cross stitch pattern #42516 Tasha Tudor's Memories: Feeding the Birds - Anyone out there still have the pattern that might be willing to sell me a copy of it? I'd really appreciate it as I'm over halfway done! Thanks
  • Esther from Providence -- Apr 22, 2020
    • Hi Everybody I am looking for a pattern which it use to be in a kit. (( Slightly dotty elephants in cross stitch by Bothy threads. I had spotted as a kit but when I had gone to pay for it the site said it is discontinue)) Has anybody has this pattern? I am willing to pay for it a reasonable price. Any help? I am on the site off and on. Hope to hear from you.
  • Kristy from Brisbane, Australia -- Apr 18, 2020
    • Searching for The Emerald Dragonfly by Nora Corbett Is a discontinued pattern and is proving very elusive to find!
  • Carol Parham from San Diego, CA -- Apr 15, 2020
  • Laurie from Canada -- Apr 09, 2020
    • I am looking for Under-the-Sea Birth-Record Cross-Stitch pattern by Herrschers. Don t need a kit. Or, where can I obtain?
  • JoAnne from Seattle, WA -- Apr 05, 2020
    • Looking for small pine cone patterns with or without small birds to use for a fill in a cross stitch stocking I am making. need to be less than 10 by 10 could have some greenery with them. Any ideas?
  • Gayle Grunwald from Las Vegas NV -- Mar 30, 2020
    • I am looking for someone who can create an image for me for cross stitch. It is three words and maybe a few images. I am going crazy with this virus and want to know what it would cost me to have someone make a pattern for me. I have 18 and 14 count Aida.
  • Hilde H from Rudolph Wisconsin -- Mar 29, 2020
    • Looking for the pattern to complete a work started by a cousin, based on Phil 4:8 whatever is honorable, whatever is true, etc.
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